About Us…

Meet Joy….

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Porscha has always loved magic, mystisal, and the spiritusal side. At an early age she was called sensitive due to her empathetic nature and her intuitive psychic “knowing” was seen as being a know it all. She had visions of events before they happened. After a traumatic event losing her mother, she shut it all down but after a breakup in 2016 she went on a self discovery tour and began to bring back the little things that brought her joy in life; crystals, oracle cards, mysticism, dancing, community and the arts. She studied Reiki at the HCH institute in Lafeyette and volunteers monthly for in clinic sessions as well as attend weekly virtual sessions. During 2020, she went thru the dark night of the soul which lead her on a spiritual quest to find mentors and who encouraged her to work on unlocking her psychic abilities. During a retreat in Eypgt in 2023 she experienced a Kudlani awakening where her visions and intuitiveness became stronger. Today her intuitive gifts help clients unblock stagnant and stuck energies in their bodies and she also advices as a spirital coach